Romans at the confluence of the Idrija and Soča Rivers

Romans at the confluence of the Idrija and Soča Rivers

  • Author: Tolminski muzej
  • Author: Foto: Tolminski muzej

The year is 200 AD. For quite some time now, the area has been dominated by the Romans, which shows in the surronding architecture. You drink wine and use olive oil brought by merchants from Istria. When at home, you still speak in your local language with your mother and father, yet when with your friends in a tavern, you speak Latin.

It is a three-hour horse ride to Forum Iulii (today’s Cividale del Friuli). You and your friend Marcus will be selling cheese there in the autumn. Marcus has been in the mountains for months. He tells you that this year’s grazing has been good and that the cheese will be excellent.

Owl challenge

3D reconstruction of a Roman house.


In the area of the Most na Soči settlement, twenty floor remains of structures from the Roman Empire were found by archaeologists. The Romans introduced a building technique with stones held together with limestone mortar, a technique not known to the Iron Age people. Unlike that of Iron Age houses, the floor plan of Roman houses was also bigger and more varied.

The atrium consisted of a part intended for daily business affairs, of rooms intended for socialising, and of a sweating room (sudatorium).

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